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Open Water Coaches Workshops


Triathlon England have teamed up with Swim Smooth to offer Level 2 coaches (and above) the chance to attend a practical workshop on the planning and coaching of open water swimming.

The sessions will start at 09:00 with a classroom based session in the morning. In the afternoon the coaches will put in to practise the skills/techniques covered in the morning by coaching a group of novice open water swimmers and then later in the afternoon coaching a group of more advanced open water triathletes.

There are two dates in London available, 16th June and 21st July. The workshops will take place at Stoke Newington West Reservoir Centre Green Lanes, Hackney, London N4 2HA. The workshops will be free to attending coaches but we will require a returnable deposit of £20 (cheque) from all those who book on the workshops.

We have limited places on each workshop, only 10 coaches on each day. To book your place on the course please complete the registration form and return with a cheque for £20 (made payable to Triathlon England: London Region) to:

Jon Train
Triathlon England
Academy of Sport
90 London Road

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

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