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Post-lockdown lowdown with Ealing Triathletes


Having moved their group turbo sessions online during England’s first national lockdown, Ealing Triathletes continued these second time around with them proving even more popular amongst their members during lockdown 2.0.

“During the summer and autumn time, we got back to some sort of normality in training,” said Christine Meek, club coach at Ealing. 

“Members were riding in small groups, running and making the most of the open water venues

“This meant, in some ways that, although it was shorter, the second lockdown hit a bit harder when this relative freedom was taken away again and we could only take part online or with one other person.”
With the winter lockdown in England restricting what the club could do, they found that their zoom turbo sessions were a great place for members to not only train, but also socialise together.

“We actually introduced a second weekly session to our timetable,” commented Meek. “We’d have a bit of social time during warm up and cool down and it allowed members to see each other and spend time together in a group.

“We’d all knuckle down when the actual training was going on, but those bits at the beginning and end have been priceless in connecting members and allowing us to socialise as a club.

“Not only were we able to look after the local members who would normally come to the physical sessions, but also those who had moved out of the area, allowing them to continue training with us. 

“For our juniors, we had to wait until September before we could get up and running again and our athletes have really enjoyed getting back to training.

“Some of our senior members were able to take part in the few races that were permitted this year, but the majority of us couldn’t, so we are really looking forward to racing next season.

“With event calendars being published next year for national championships and qualifiers for the Great Britain Age-Group Team, we’re starting to look ahead to 2021 and the different racing opportunities that will be on offer.”

You can find out more about the calendar for Age Group Major Events by clicking on the button below.



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