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Tata Kids of Steel 30th September: Volunteers needed!


As you may know the Tata Kids of Steel events are touring the country. On Monday 30th September the 2013 London Tata Kids of Steel takes place at Newham Leisure Centre.

The Tata Kids of Steel event has been taking place at Newham Leisure Centre for 4 years and has become a fixture in the school calendar. Last year we had 900 primary school aged children from local boroughs take part. The 2013 event will have similar numbers!

As you can appreciate to run an event this size requires a large team of helpers - if you can help out please get in touch. There are a wide range of roles that are available from registration to transition, poolside to finish line.


It's a great day out and although quite demanding a very rewarding day. For more information on the volunteer roles check out the document HERE or contact Jon Train.

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