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Team Aquathlon Relay at the Womble Triathlon


Wimbledon Windmilers, the SW London running and triathlon club who host the Womble Triathlon, is also hosting it’s first relay aquathlon on Sunday 28th April, 2013, in the home of the legendary Wombles . As a novice relay event, the emphasis will be on a really enjoyable race, and we will do our best to make sure you have a great day out!

This is a novice event aimed at introducing new people to aquathlons.  It will be a fun race consisting of each team member completing a 120m swim (just under 5 lengths of a standard 25m pool) followed by all competitors running a 1km loop.

Registration will start at 07:00 at King’s College School, Southside, Wimbledon Common, London, SW19 4TT for an 08:30 race start.  This location will be the main base for the competition, also housing the transition area.

Relay teams must consist of two males and two females competing in a set order for the swim and then the run.

To register your team for the event, go to: The cost is £16 per team.

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