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Thames Turbo's Wimbleball Winner


London based triathlete Natalie Seymour had a fantastic 2015 triathlon season. In her first middle distance race she was crowned female champion at Exmoor 70.3 and won the Always Aim High series with wins in the Sandman and Snowman triathlons and second place in the Slateman.

You were an elite level GB hockey player. How did you get into triathlon?
After the London 2012 Olympics I decided I wanted a break from hockey and I also started working full time doing my Clinical Psychology Doctorate. Being a bit of a training and exercise nut, I knew that I wanted something to keep me fit. I ran a lot and started cycling to and from work and after doing a few 10km races I decided that I would give triathlon a go and see what I could do. I had watched my sister and auntie do the London Triathlon and because there was such a great atmosphere and buzz around the event I knew that one day I wanted to race there. I entered the 2013 race, which was plenty of motivation to get me training hard.

Tell us a bit about how the race at Ironman 70.3 Exmoor unfolded...
Winter training had been excellent, but then a month before the race I had a foot injury that meant I was unable to run for three weeks. This was a bit stressful at the time, but with a lot of support from those around me I managed to stay positive. Race day came around and I was surprisingly calm before the start. I had a strong swim and loved the bike course. Whilst the first lap was made more challenging by the hail and numbness in my hands, the hills on the back end of the course soon provided enough hard work to warm me up again. Onto the run in second, I felt confident I had the strength to take the lead. Once I had the 'lead lady' bike with me I decided I just had to keep going and hope no-one came past me. The course is amazing, but the support around the run is what got me round and completely made the whole experience. I was so delighted to cross the finish line in first... but it really didn't sink in that I had won until later that evening!
The prize for winning the Always Aim High series was a trip to the Nevis Triathlon in the Carribean. Are you heading out there for the race on 14th November?
The Always Aim High race series has a wonderful prize and Nevis Naturally is a beautiful venue for a race. Unfortunately, I am not able to take the prize this year and the chance for some winter sun has had to be put on hold!
Tell us a bit about the setup of the Thames Turbo iRide race team you’re a part of
The race team has been fundamental to my success this year. It has been great to meet regularly as a team and share advice. We have also raced together at Exmoor and the Sandman/Snowman events. The sponsorship from I-ride UK, Huub and Powerbar was great in providing exactly what I need for training and racing to a high level. Next year I will be working as an individual with new sponsors and I am looking forward to this new support. 

What are some of your favourite training locations while in London?
I love training near where I live. I am lucky to be able to swim at Hampton Pool all year around and have many lakes to use in the Summer. My favourite place to run is Richmond Park.... particularly on clear summer mornings.
Have you raced many London League events?

I have not been involved in many London League races. I think the London League is great when you are new to triathlon or you want an easy race venue for racing with friends. I try to plan races in places I want to go to and this is the real appeal of the Always Aim High Series.
What was your highlight for this year?

The highlight of my year has to be winning UK 70.3 Exmoor, closely followed by reaching the top of Moel Siabod in the Snowman (I thought I was never going to make it)!!

What was your low point?
I think my low point in the triathlon season was after the Ironman 70.3 World age group championship in Zell am See. When you don't feel you have the race you thought you were capable of, it is always hardest straight after, when you're fatigued and emotional.  Whilst I was disappointed I knew I had given my all and in time have taken the positives and the learning from it.
What is the favourite race you’ve done so far?

This is tough, but the Snowman bike and Sandman run were stunning and the for me this makes a race!

What races are on your bucket list?

Next year I will be doing lots more 70.3 events, but the bucket list has to be World Championships in the future!
What else do you do outside of triathlon?
I have just completed a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and now work with a charity who work with young males at risk of offending. It is inspiring, fun and challenging work and puts everything into perspective.
What are your plans for next year?

Next year I will be racing as a pro. I am excited about the challenges it will bring and I am motivated to keep improving and use the year to gain as much race experience as possible.

You can follow Natalie on Twitter at @NatalieSeymour9

Article by Dana Voysey (@danavoysey), a member of the Triathlon England: London region media team. Photo credit: Ady Kerry

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