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Thames Turbo Virtual Junior Runathlon 13th / 14th June


June 13th 2020 would have been the Thames Turbo Junior Aquathlon. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions the event has sadly had to be cancelled. However, the club will be holding a fun virtual ‘Runathlon’ (as a hyper link) on the weekend of the race instead.

The idea is to run as far as you can in an allotted time to contribute to our target of running around the perimeter of the London Region in which we compete and our various Clubs are located. The perimeter is approximately 300km, so let’s see how far we can get!

There is no formal entry required, all you need to do is to measure the distance that you covered in the Age Group specified time allowed (see below) and send it in to us. This can be in the park, laps of the garden, or on a treadmill, it really does not matter, only that you take part. Send in your run on Sat 13th or up to 5.00pm on Sunday 14th.

Everyone’s entry will move us further around the perimeter of the London Region map.

If you are a member of a triathlon club please let us know and we will chart each club’s contribution.

If you are not, don’t worry we will have a Virtual Triathlon Club that your run distance will go into. This is open to any Junior anywhere – it doesn’t matter if you are from the London Region, or even this country – the more the better!

Which club will run the furthest….?

Run times: this is the maximum time you can run for and record how far you got (but you can run for less time if you want)

Tristarts – (8 years old born 2012/13) : 10 mins run

Tristar1 –  (9/10 years old born 2010/11) : 15 mins run

Tristar2 –  (11/12 years old born 2008/9) : 20 mins run

Tristar3 –  (13/14 years old born 2006/7) : 25 mins run

Youth & Juniors  – (15-19 years old born 2004+) : 30 mins run

More information at the Link

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