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The Grassman Returns! All (and kids) welcome...


Hillingdon Triathlon Club announces the dates for this years novice and kids friendly Grassman Triathlon, an indoor swim and closed traffic grass bike and run suitable for all. Enter Now!!!

May 4th 2014 from 08.00am

The Grassman Triathlon includes categories for U10 and 11-14 as well as Novices and those looking for a short fun fast race.  Not sure Triathlon is for you then this is perfect, come Tri your mettle!  No specialist equipment needed; goggles and swimmies, a bike of any kind and your run shoes!

It features a 300m swim,  (any stroke will do); a cycle of 8km around a flattish field, and a short 1.6k run on grass!  That’s it.  We even allow the odd parent to run with their little ones.  Afterwards sit and watch the others, join your family and friends in the Fusion coffee area.  Parking is easy.

Distances for the little ones and aspiring bigger ones are less and can be seen on the race sign up site below!

Venue is the Fusion Hillingdon Sports and Leisure complex at Gatting Lane Hillingdon. Click here for more details.

Enter via the Hillingdon Triathletes entry system or visit the Bowel Cancer UK website for entrance fee info which includes sponsorship for this worthwhile cause and 2014 charity partner

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