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The Wimbledon Windmilers Womble Triathlon is back!


The novice's triathlon race returns on Sunday 28th April 2013 for it's second year in and around the home of the legendary Wombles. If members of your club are new to the sport of triathlon, this is an ideal introduction.

The race is organised by the Wimbledon Windmilers and is intended for those new to the sport. The triathlon will be over a 420m pool swim, an 11K bike course and a 5K run course in and around Wimbledon Village and Wimbledon Common.

There is a goody bag for all starters, as well as prizes across a number of age groups. Changing facilities and refreshments available on the day.

The "Wimdmilers" encourage all competitors to raise money for the Wimbledon Guild, a local charity, which does an incredible amount of good work in the area.

The triathlon will start at 7am, with competitors going off in waves for the pool swim.

Entry fee for the triathlon is £31, with an additional £3 (or £1 for 16/17 year olds) British Triathlon Licence fee for athletes who are not members of The British Triathlon Federation.

For more information please visit the club website


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