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Transform your running with Kinetic Revolution


Make major breakthroughs with your running on the Kinetic Revolution technique workshop

If you’ve reached a plateau with your running or suffer from the same recurrent injuries, the Kinetic Revolution technique workshop could help you to make some major breakthroughs. The two-hour practical course aims to help runners and triathletes to improve speed and efficiency whilst avoiding injury. As someone with a persistent hip injury, this sounded like exactly what I needed!

I joined a group of six runners at Mile End Stadium for the workshop lead by James Dunne, the coach and founder of Kinetic Revolution. We began with two gentle laps of the track so he could see our movement patterns and posture. He explained that there is no one ‘right way’ to run and the aim of the course isn’t to convert us the ‘perfect form’, but to make a few manageable tweaks to our training which could have huge results.


We focused on drills to improve various elements of our running form, including pelvis stability, hip mobility and arm swing. The coach would explain the theory and biomechanics behind each of the drills, then we would put the technique into practice with a short run around the track. We tried altering the tempo of our arm swing or engaging our lower abs to monitor the effect it made to our leg speed. Reporting back after each run, it was interesting to see how each runner was noticing gradual improvements. The ideas were clearly communicated by James and we received plenty of individual attention and advice, despite the group setting.

James also busted some of the common misconceptions around foot striking and barefoot running. I was relieved to learn that heel striking is not as bad as we are lead to believe. We looked at where our foot strikes the ground in relation to our knees, then incorporated some mobility exercises and drills with the aim of eventually landing the foot under the flexed knee.


I came away with plenty of food for thought and ideas to put into practice, which will hopefully result in a more refined and smoother technique. The session was followed up with a PDF

outlining the key pointers and cues to remember. The benefits of having a coach give feedback and input on my habits should help to remedy the underlying causes of my hip injury and get me back on form for my next event.

As a Triathlon England member, you are entitled to 20% off all practical Kinetic Revolution workshops in the UK. There are several more coming up in London over the next few months- for further details see website. There is also 25% off the ‘Runners Knee Rehab Plan’ and ‘Transform Your Running’ online programmes, plus free access to all the Kinetic Revolution 30 Day Challenges.

Report written by Lucy Edwards from Havering Triathlon Club and part of theLondon Region Media Team. You can follow Lucy on Twitter @paddlepedalpace or her blog at

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