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Triathlon England SWIM SMOOTH Open Water Training


Swim like the Brownlees, or Helen, or Non... Hurry, for one day only, July in Hampshire, morning novices and afternoon experienced triathletes. Swim Smooth are Triathlon England's Swimming partner of excellence

Triathlon England South Central is pleased to announce, the delivery of open water training sessions in partnership with Swim Smooth.

The training day is aimed at all levels. Whether you are trying open water swimming for the first time or want to improve your open water skills, this is for you.

The morning session;  9am-12pm is for those who are completely new to open water swimming and who want to improve their confidence and relaxation. The session will also cover the essential skills of sighting and drafting.

The afternoon session; 1-4pm is for those who are confident and can easily swim in small groups but want to learn the extra skills and techniques. 

The sessions will take place in Hampshire at Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Activity Centre , Bransgore BH23 8EE on the 20th of July 2014.

Places are limited to 30 swimmers per session at a cost of £15, so be quick to avoid disappointment.

To book your session go to

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