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Triathlon London Academy selection day: 7th September 2013


The London Region is holding the Regional Academy selection day on 7th September at Hillingdon Sports Complex in Uxbridge. To confirm attendance please return the application form below asap.

The aim of the Regional Academy network is to develop athletes from local and regional programmes to become national and internationally recognised triathletes. Each Regional Academy provides the required support to allow triathletes to progress further up the talent pathway, including coaching, training camps, equipment, competition support and much more.

If you would like to become part of the London Regional Academy please read on.

7th September 2013

The 2013/ 14 academy selection day will take place at Hillingdon Sport & Leisure complex

Start time:
08.30 and we should be finished by 1pm (depending on numbers)

As you can appreciate the Academy does require a high level of performance in order to be considered for selection. Before completing the application form please check the your times against the minimum times required and distances for each age group.

Male Talent ID Table

Female Talent ID Table

What to bring:
•    Running & swimming equipment & warm/ wet or sunny (sun cream) weather kit
•    Something light to eat/ drink between sessions
•    Any questions you may have parent or athlete

What will we do:
•    Meet & greet in the main reception
•    Warm up and complete the swim
•    Warm up and complete the run
•    Chat from a Triathlon England athlete on "what it takes to make it onto the triathlon England talent pathway
•    Short interview with one of the coaches to either set out what is required for the athlete to get into the academy and what to work on (sign posting if they do not make it) or a similar chat but also looking at what is required from an academy athlete (on programme).

If you think the Academy is something for you please complete the APPLICATION FORM and return to the Academy Head Coach: James Beckinsale

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