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Triathlon London launch new website


Welcome to the revamped Triathlon London webpages. We hope you like the new format. Your feedback will help to shape the content and information held here. Please go and explore the pages.

As you can see the London regions pages sit within the Triathlon England main website pages and have the same look, layout and links to national items. Like all new websites it will take a few visits for you to get used to the layout and the structure. As you can imagine the transfer has taken quite a lot of time and we hope we’ve got everything across correctly.

We need your news items
We would appreciate your help with content. This can be anything triathlon related, if you have any pictures we’d love to see them and it would help to keep the pages interesting. Please send to NEWS.

To help you get used to where to find some key information here are some links for you;
Who’s who on the committee
London League
League Results
Junior Series

There’s plenty of information on these pages, take your time and explore. If you do see any errors or omissions please get in touch, we need feedback to make sure these pages upto date and useful for you. FEEDBACK

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