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Triathlon South East Annual General Meeting


Held at beautiful Bisham Abbey during the coaching conference the TSE AGM needs you! Under the important business will be the decision and appointing of officials for the Regional Split into Triathlon South East and Triathlon South Central. If you've wanted a say, now's your opportunity!

Triathlon England South East AGM

The South East AGM will take place on Saturday 2nd November

Location: Bisham Abbey

Commencing: 5:30pm


Please not the change of date and location from that previously announced at last year’s AGM


Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Committees please contact:

Howard Vine – Chair South East

Jenny Vincent – Regional Manage South East

Jen Elkins – regional Manager South Central



1.     Introductions & Apologies

2.    Minutes of October 2012 AGM

3.    Treasurer’s report

4.    Chair’s report including regional split

5.    AOB

6.    Election of NEW Committees

a)    South East

b)   South Central

These elections are subject to ratification at Triathlon England AGM on 9th November

This has all been agreed in principle but needs to go to the TE AGM as this is a change to the current regional structure

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