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Volunteer Awards 2013


Is there someone in your club that you'd like to see recognised for all their work behind the scenes? I bet you could name two or three from your club alone! Why not nominate them for an award?

We all know someone that really makes a difference to the running of your club or training sessions. With out these dedicated volunteers many clubs and events would cease to exist. Triathlon England London want to see these "local heroes" officially recognised, to do that we need your help!

Please take some time to think about your club and who makes it tick, often without any thanks on those dark winter training sessions and nominate them for an award.

There are the following categories;
    Young Volunteer
    Children's Coach
    Participation Coach
    Performance-Development Coach
    Event of the Year

All those nominated by the closing date (5pm on 13th September) will be put forward for regional awards. The panel will assess the all nominations and decide on regional winners for each of the categories. Each winner will be invited along to the London Region Awards night to receive their award and also they will be put forward to the national wards.

For more information on the awards and timelines please check HERE

Nomination forms for each category are available for download HERE


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