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VONCRANK London League 2017: Round 11


No VONCRANK London League events for months then two in two weeks. Sunday 10 September Greenwich Tritons held their annual Clash of the Tritons aquathlon.

All reports have been complimentary and mentioned the crisp sunny morning and the 50 m heated lido swim. Every aspect was very well managed. Newbies were very well supported and encouraged and those more proficient and experienced  could concentrate on their own performances on a picturesque traffic free run through the adjacent Hornfair Park.

Special mentioned were made of the nice touch having names printed on race numbers  and the excellent medals and finishers trophies. 

Those who started all finished and mostly with a big smile. 

A credit to the organisers for a “great club event” and hopefully those who all did participate will spread the word. 

Overall winners and congratulations to Will Russell from Thames turbo and Rebecca Goodwin from Clapham Chasers. 

Provisional teams results

1 Greenwich Tritons Crystal Palace Triathletes Crystal Palace Triathletes
2 Crystal Palace Triathletes Windrush Triathlon Club Windrush Triathlon Club
3 Clapham Chasers Ful-on Triathlon Club Greenwich Tritons

The mob match was tied between Crystal Palace and Greenwich with Windrush in third place.

The Saddledrunk shirt winner were Matthew White from Crystal Palace and Rachel Rowan of Thames Turbo.

All results are provisional until confirmed. 

A great event and very well appreciated. Good job all-round.


The VONCRANK London League team results including individual age group standings, will also be available via the Makesweat results service HERE

For information on the VONCRANK London League 2017 check HERE

If you have any questions on the VONCRANK London League contact Alan Spelling email:  




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