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We built this event on volunteers


Thames Turbo Triathlon Club have organised a successful senior and junior events for a number of years, with members from across the club volunteering their time, skills and energy to helping the events happen.

Steve Robinson is part of the volunteer team of organisers for the junior aquathlon who have coordinated this year’s event: “Over the years I have helped wherever I could with our races. I think my first ever role was sorting out and putting up signs for the bike course for one of our senior .

“To protect the future of our junior aquathlon the need came to have a volunteer race management team. After completing my British Triathlon Event Organiser course in 2019, I was happy to take on the leadership role but I certainly couldn't have done it on my own and with Phil Parnham, Richie Thorpe and Malcolm Watts we have enjoyed working on the process together.”

The club’s members commit each year to helping make the events happen, with the junior aquathlon racing usually forming part of the Junior London League.

“From the time I joined the club I enjoyed the team spirit of coming together with club members to do something different, and surprisingly enjoyable,” Robinson added.

“Supporting competitors whether out on the race course or around transition is personally rewarding and something which our competitors tell us makes a huge difference to their race experience too. Without amazing volunteers, small clubs like ours would not be able to put on events and I think that would be a real shame.

“Triathlon would be a hugely different sport without volunteers. Small events have very tight margins and without volunteers events would simply not happen, especially junior races.”

Volunteers’ Week took place this year from 1-7 June, promoting and recognising the work of volunteers and opportunities to volunteer.

“To be honest, any event is simply not possible without the volunteers,” Robinson said. “As a race director, you can plan for any eventuality, but without volunteer marshals on the day your event is destined to fail.

“For Thames Turbo Triathlon Club events, we have always tried to enlist the help of members and junior parents to help marshal on the day and with race set up ahead of the event.

“For me, and I think for many of our volunteers, it’s a great opportunity to give back to our club and the local community.”

This year’s event took place on Saturday 12 June based out of The Lady Eleanor Holles School, with Robinson commenting: “The aquathlon went amazingly smoothly to be honest. First race as a race director and I couldn’t have asked for anything better.”

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