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We Live by the River #3


The December issue is now out.

Calling all London Triathlon Club chairs and tri reps.  
Triathlon London Chair Tom Chant and Vice Chair Chris Skinner would like to invite you to a Triathlon London Club Chair feedback session on Thursday 16th January from 7-9pm. Venue TBC (please keep an eye on our website and Twitter) but it will be in central London. Food and drink will be provided.
To determine our activities for 2014 and to refresh our strategy we need to get input from the Clubs. Please contact Tom Chant (London Region Chair) for more information or to confirm your clubs attendance.
Draft items to run through include:
- coaching courses (when, where, types etc)
- technical/referee coverage/courses
- Health & Safety/Star Mark (capacity building for clubs)
- Senior and Junior League
- Junior clubs
- How Triathlon London communicates with clubs, and vice versa
- TE's new strategy
- plus anything else you'd like to raise...
London League 2014
The schedule of events for next year's London League has now been confirmed, and can be viewed HERE. Note the exciting new format will be announced in January 2014, Rohan Byles, the League co-ordinator is just putting the final touches to the competition.
London Region Committee
Following the London region's AGM back in October, don't forget you can find out who's who on the new committee (and see their photos!) via the "Who's who" page on our website.  
Not much in the way of triathlon, duathlon or aquathlon this month so here’s a few running events, to help burn-off the mince pies.
1 January - Serpentine New Year's Day 10k (Hyde Park)
5 January - Mornington Chasers Winter 10k (Regents Park)
5 January - Tadworth 10 (Epsom Racecourse) 
12 January - Capital Runners 10k (Richmond Park)
19 January - Fred Hughes 10 (St Albans)
25 January - Iceman (Frimley, Surrey)
2 February - Watford Half Marathon
A new (cycling) time trial series for women has been set up for the 2014 season. The South East Women's Time Trial Series ( is proving to be very popular with new and experienced cyclists alike, having sold out within two weeks of its launch! More details at the event website HERE.
On a cold and wet day in November, Ealing's Christine Meek (ESC D3 Triathletes) took part in the Human Race Winter Ballbuster. You can find out why she has a love-hate relationship with the race HERE!
If you've ever wondered where is Jonny Brownlee's favourite race destination, or where he'd go on his dream holiday, you can find the answers in his latest column HERE.
Don't forget to keep an eye on our website at Triathlon London, and follow us on Twitter at @TriEng_London! If you have any stories or news items please contact James Ruskin (London Region Communications).
Finally, all of us at Triathlon London would like to wish you a happy Christmas and all the best in 2014!
James Ruskin
Triathlon London Communications Officer

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