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We Live by the River #4


This is the London Region summary of Triathlon news, views and events.


Junior Series 2014

The schedule for this year's London Junior Series has been finalised and can be viewed here. Please note that to participate in the series you must be a member of a London club, reside in or go to school in a London borough.

London League 2014

Following a winter review, some adjustments have been made to the format of the London League, which include the addition for the first time of an Age Group competition. Further details of the changes can be found here.

A reminder that the schedule for this year's London League itself can be viewed here.

London Region Committee

On the 16th January there was the first London Club chair's meeting - a summary can be found here.

Following the London region's AGM back in October, don't forget you can find out who's who on the new committee (and see their photos!) via this page on our website.  


1 February - Eton Dorney Duathlon (Windsor)

2 February - Mornington Chasers Winter 10k (Regents Park)

2 February - Watford Half Marathon

15 February - Race Your Pace Half Marathon (Dorney Lake, Windsor)

16 February - Dash for the Splash 10k (Wimbledon Common)

23 February - Old Deer Park Half Marathon (Richmond) and Hampton Court Half Marathon (Thames Ditton / Kingston)

28 February to 2 March - Triathlon Show (Sandown Park Racecourse)

And don't forget your local parkrun - every Saturday morning at 9am. There are now 42 to choose from in Greater London alone!


If you were in any doubt about triathlon's surging popularity, every place (1000+) at this year's Crystal Palace Triathlon was snapped up within eight hours of entries opening! Well done too to the hardy quartet of Crystal Palace Triathletes who came away from the Thanet Mountain Bike Duathlon (12 January) with trophies for 3rd overall, First Vet and First Team.  

The entry ballot for the various distances at this year's ITU World Triathlon London event is now open. The ballot for the Olympic distance closed on 19 January while for the Sprint and Super Sprint distances it closes on 31 January. More details here.

Kingfisher Triathletes are, for the first time, adding a Junior Aquathlon (TriStar Start 1,2 and 3 and youth categories) to their annual Kingfisher Aquathlon on 13 April. More details here.

The new South East Women's Time Trial Series (SEWTTS) continues to go from strength to strength, with many triathletes taking part. You can now read profiles of some the riders who'll be contesting the series on the event website here.

A free triathlon training seminar by Triathlon Performance Solutions will be held at Profeet (Fulham Road) on 27 January at 6:30pm. More details here

If you're wondering what Jonny Brownlee's New Year's resolutions are (or what are his two goals for 2014) you can find out in his latest column here.

Don't forget to keep an eye on our website at Triathlon London, and follow us on Twitter at @TriEng_London! If you have any stories or news items please contact James Ruskin (London region communications).


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