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London Region November Newsletter is now out.

The London region's AGM last month was very well attended, and produced a flush of new people taking up roles on the committee. New appointments included Chair, Vice Chair, Senior League Coordinator, Partnership Manager and Secretary. 
Tom Chant, the new Chair, has been involved with Triathlon London for the past two years helping support the Junior series, Inter Regional Championships and London Region Training Squad. He is a true London born triathlete, a member of Thames Turbo, with some modest race achievements over the years, but mostly he's someone who has embraced to the full our amazing sport.
“There is nothing as heart-warming as seeing a race underway. So much effort, toil and achievement from all who take part at all levels”, Tom said.
In his new role, Tom set out his plans for the coming year: “One year isn’t long for this sort of voluntary post, but I have an ambition to contact and talk to every active triathlon club in the capital. As Triathlon London is their representative organisation within Triathlon England, I feel very strongly that we get to grips with their needs and issues as soon as possible. I'm going to be helped in this task by Chris Skinner, the new Vice Chair (from London Fields Triathlon Club). Once we begin to distill the issues we can start to work on common programs for the clubs and be a truly supportive organisation.”
To find out who's who on the new committee (and see their photos!), please visit the Who's Who page.
If any clubs are looking to gear themselves more towards para-triathlon, here are two possible sources of funding from Sport England:
- Inclusive Sport: Bids from £10,000 upwards with a total funding pot of £7m; aims to provide new opportunities for disabled people to participate in sport.
- Get Equipped: Grants of £300 to £10,000; providing funds to increase participation in sport. Open to NGBs as well as clubs.
Please note, applications for both funds close on Monday 2nd December
The London region's annual awards evening, held at the start of November, was a great success. A full list of the award winners can be viewed here.
Not many triathlon events this month, so here's a few festive running events.
24 November - Capital Runners 10k (Richmond Park)
1 December - Kingston 10k
7 December - Mudman (Camberley, Surrey)
8 December - London Santa Dash (Victoria Park)
14 December - CAFOD 5k Nativity Run (Clapham Common)
27 October - Jekyll & Hyde Duathlon - Results
10 November - Hillingdon Trathletes November Duathlon - Results
Non Stanford on the reality of becoming World Champion earlier this year.
Tom Burkinshaw on competing in the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii for the very first time.
JenInspired (who following London 2012 decided to try her hand at each of the Olympic sports) has written this entertaining account of her first triathlon.
After a ten year absence, the Hillingdon Half Marathon is being revived, and will take place on 23rd March 2014. Race HQ and the start/finish will be at Brunel University - for full details see the race website here
Congratulations to London Fields Triathlon Club who won the 'Club of the Year' title at the recent Hackney Sports awards!
This year's St Luke's Hospice Triathlon took place in mid-October - one of those taking part was Dean Thurlow of Crystal Palace Triathletes. You can read his thoughts on the race here
Jonny Brownlee (along with his brother Alistair) recently completed a trek to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain. Read all about it in his latest column here.
Finally, don't forget to keep an eye on our website at Triathlon London, and follow us on Twitter at @TriEng_London! If you have any stories or news items please contact James Ruskin (London Region Communications)

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