
1 week left to enter Sprint or Super Sprint Distances in London


In 2014, the PruHealth World Triathlon London takes place in Hyde Park on 31 May / 1 June in the very heart of London giving everyone the chance to participate at the Olympic venue!

Athletes who want to experience the excitement of competing in the iconic Hyde Park and follow in the footsteps of World Champion, Non Stanford and the Brownlee brothers can still enter the sprint and super sprint ballets which close on Friday 31 January.

Sprint Distance (750m swim – 22.5km bike – 5km run)
Super Sprint Distance (400m swim – 15.5km bike – 2.5km run)
Alongside these open races, many of Britain’s world-class athletes will also be competing in the fourth leg of the ITU World Triathlon Series. Britain’s paratriathletes will also be in action competing in the 2014 London ITU Paratriathlon International event.
The ballot will close on Friday 31 January, CLICK HERE to enter.

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