
GE Great Britain Age-Group Team deliver golden performances in Eilat


The GE Great Britain Age-Group Team has celebrated winning 32 gold medals at the 2012 Eilat ETU Triathlon European Championships last weekend along with 27 silver and 26 bronze.

The standard distance races delivered 13 gold medals on the first day of competition on Friday 20 April including Caroline Whittaker (50-54) and Hilary Stevenson (65-69) both successfully defending their 2011 titles. 
Caroline was delighted to defend her title commenting: “It feels great to have won again, although expectations were higher this time around, which made the race a bit more pressurised. I was out of the water first in my age-group, but was caught and passed by Sandra Blenkinsop (50-54) halfway through the bike, however I re-took the lead in the run and won by more than three minutes.”
She continued: “The bike was into a strong headwind on the way out and also uphill, so it was hard work, but fast on the way back. The run was hot and windy!  In my age-group the Brits came first, second and third, which was great.
“The atmosphere was great with lots of nationalities and I have made lots of new friends. I have a week off now, before getting back into training for Auckland!”
Caroline and Hilary weren’t the only returning medallists to add a 2012 medal to their collection with Sandra Blenkinsop (50-54) improving on her bronze medal performance in Pontevedra by winning silver behind Caroline. The GE Great Britain Age-Group Team also celebrated 13 silver and 11 bronze medals.
In the sprint distance event on Saturday 21 April, the GE Great Britain Age-Group Team delivered 19 gold medals including reigning champions Steve McKeown (40-44), Joanna Lewis (55-59), Barbara Walton (60-64), Michael Smallwood (65-69) and Barry Johnson (70-74) all successfully defending their 2011 titles.
In addition to the 19 gold medal-winning performances, the sprint distance GE Great Britain Age-Group Team also won 14 silver and 15 bronze medals.
Medallists from the 2012 Eilat ETU Triathlon European Championships
ETU Triathlon European Championships (Eilat) : STANDARD DISTANCE
GOLD  (13)
James Briscoe (18-19)
Keira Murray (25-29)
Steven Thomson (25-29)
Manuela Maxwell (30-34)
Parys Edwards (35-39)
Stuart Sorrell (35-39)
Suzetta Guerrini (40-44)
Julie Tapley (45-49)
Caroline Whittaker (50-54)
Beverley Childs (55-59)
Jane Leslie (60-64)
Hilary Stevenson (65-69)
Peter Norman (75-79)
Ben Creasey (20-24)
Kathryn Berry (25-29)
Christina Jenkins (30-34)
Adrian Elliott (30-34)
Timothy Fletcher (35-39)
Rachel Bown (40-44)
Darren Milne (40-44)
Charlotte Francis (45-49)
Andrew Bentley (45-49)
Sandra Blenkinsop (50-54)
Pete Stock (55-59)
Sandra Abrams (65-69)
Ivan Green (70-74)
BRONZE  (11)
Brian Glynn (18-19)
Lewis Murchie (20-24)
Michael Duncan (25-29)
Sarah Buxton (35-39)
Samuel Webster (35-39)
Gavin Jenkins (40-44)
Dean Ratcliffe (45-49)
Claire Jackson (50-54)
Stuart Robinson (50-54)
Lynda Chase (55-59)
John Evans (65-69)
ETU Triathlon European Championships (Eilat) :  SPRINT
GOLD  (19)
Matthew Griffin (16-19)
Hannah Kitchen (20-24)
Ramsey Kechacha (20-24)
Emma Pearson (25-29)
Andrew Jones (25-29)
Jane Hodgson (30-34)
Christine Bertram (35-39)
Garry Walker (35-39)
Mary-Anne Elkington (40-44)
Steve McKeown (40-44)
Jacqui Phillips (45-49)
Joyce Mark (50-54)
Joanna Lewis (55-59)
Barbara Walton (60-64)
James Chisholm (60-64)
Peggy Crome (65-69)
Michael Smallwood (65-69)
Barry Johnson (70-74)
Tony Shrimpton (75-79)
Mika Brown (16-19)
Becky Krych (20-24)
James Donaldson (20-24)
Ryan Flinn (25-29)
James Wilson (30-34)
Claire Martin (35-39)
Robert Osborne (35-39)
David Wilson (45-49)
Jane Saunders (50-54)
Paul Jennings (50-54)
Alison Vessey (55-59)
Elaine Scott (60-64)
Michael Goddard (60-64)
George Vargha (70-74)
BRONZE  (15)
Kieran Hill (16-19)
Elanor Cadzow (20-24)
Natalie Batey (25-29)
Becky Schofield (30-34)
Neil Candler (30-34)
Emma Bexson (35-39)
Mark Baker (35-39)
Angela Ackerley (40-44)
Sarah Bentley (45-49)
Shaun Keen (45-49)
Kath Blakey (50-54)
Ian Smith (50-54)
Christine O'Reilly (60-64)
Robert Thornton (60-64)
Don Hutchinson (65-69)

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