
GE Great Britain Age-Group Team find silver in Nevada desert


The GE Great Britain Age-Group Team has delivered two silver medals in the age group event of the 2011 Henderson ITU Long Distance Triathlon World Championships, which also saw Rachel Joyce deliver gold in the elite race.


The event originally planned as a 4km swim, 120km bike and 30km run was cut short following cold weather resulting in the cancellation of the swim element and athletes time-trialling the bike and run elements in the Nevada desert.
Tracy Cook (35-39) was the third fastest female overall and finished second in her age-group winning silver in a time of 06:09.04. Her performance caps a great season for the Dorset based athlete after winning the British Middle Distance Championships at the Cowman Triathlon in Milton Keynes in July earlier this year.
The GE Great Britain Age-Group Team’s other medallist was Gill Fullen (45-49) who also won silver in her age-group finishing in a time of 06:22.36. 
The fastest male was Paul Perry (30-34) who completed the course in a time of 05:48.15 to finish in sixth place in his age-group.
For full results visit

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