This Girl Can - Vicky


Vicky took on the challenge of taking on the Olympic Distance race at Vitality World Triathlon London last month. Quite the task for any triathlete - even greater considering she's only had a couple of sprints under her belt. Read her story here...

We chatted to Vicky recently:

"I was first interested in getting into triathlon after watching a friend train for and complete in 2 ironman events. I loved the thought of triathlon but I couldn't swim front crawl and even my breast stroke was weak. So, 2 years ago I joined a novice friendly triathlon club, Jetstream, where I learnt the swimming basics and started considering where it could take me.  

Fast forward 2 years and after having 2 sprint distance triathlons under my belt I took on the Olympic distance at the vitality world triathlon in Hyde Park a couple of weeks back. I went into it with the goal of just finishing it, no pressure on times.

I found the mass swim start scary but decided to stop for a few seconds to let everyone else go and once I was swimming in my own space, I really enjoyed it. The bike was a challenge due to the wet weather so I was so happy to get onto the run.

The atmosphere was amazing and I loved just taking part. I really didn't take much notice of my watch and timings, I was just absorbing the atmosphere and being aware of what I was actually in the process of achieving. Running along the blue carpet towards the finish line was an amazing feeling after watching the likes of Jodie Stimpson and Non Stanford finish along there in the past.

I still can't quite believe I managed it. I really love the thought of setting goals that are slightly out of reach and then developing into a person who can achieve them. My next goal is the Vitruvian 70.3 in August. Wish me luck!"



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