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Accenture Mixed Relay Nottingham - now duathlon - Information for South Central Junior Athletes


Nottingham is set to welcome elite triathletes back to the city for the Accenture World Triathlon Mixed Relay Nottingham on Saturday 15 June. The event will also see over 700 amateur triathletes, including first timers and children, cross the finish line on the bank of the River Trent. The event format has changed to a duathlon (run, bike, run), as a result of persistent rainfall in the local area. The decision has been made in consultation with a number of stakeholders and water safety experts. The results of the latest tests (issued today Thursday 13 June) clearly show that the increased flow rate and adverse water quality will make the swim segment unsafe for all participants.

Information for South Central Juniors - Regional IRC Qualifier 

This duathlon will not count towards the IRC Qualifier - this will roll onto Bowood House Triathlon. This has now been on agreed by the South Central Committee, that it will be 4 South Central Athletes who cross the line first at Bowood triathlon who will be selected. 

If there are any questions please contact Gary Cooper or Hester Pollock - 



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