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Club and Coaching courses.


South Central is please to be able to offer a number of courses for club members and coaches. The courses are designed to enable clubs to deliver effective sessions across the triathlon disciplines.

A provisional programme and a brief description of each course is outlined below.
Ride Leaders: Wellington College 2 November 2014
The workshop is aimed at Triathlon England members who are not coaches but wish to learn how to take group rides. They are delivered by CTC.
The course is a mixture of classroom theory and “on the road” practical learning.  This includes the opportunity to practice leading and being lead in various scenarios in small groups. Candidates will need a bicycle, helmet and suitable clothing for the practical session. There are 12 places available.  
The cost for this course is £110.
Run Leaders Course : Wellington College 23 November 2014
The course is aimed at Triathlon England members who would like to be able to deliver running sessions for their clubs; it's open to coaches and non-coaches. The course will enable you to deliver a safe session to mixed ability groups. The courses are delivered by England Athletics. 
The cost of this course is £110.
Para Tri Workshop: Wellington College 18 October 2014
This workshop is designed for Triathlon England coaches of any level to learn more about coaching paratriathletes. Specifically aimed at coaches operating in a local community club environment the course will introduce coaches to new concepts of coaching paratriathletes and also how their club can make simple adaptations to open up their club to paratriathletes.  
The workshop will last for one day and coaches will receive a certificate of attendance.

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