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Club Focus Tri2O Triathlon Club


The next club to meet is Tri2O Triathlon club from Berkshire. Here is what they have to say.

At Tri2O Triathlon Club we pride ourselves on being a friendly and inclusive triathlon club based in the Reading area in Berkshire. We currently have 150 members who range from those wanting to try out swimming, cycling and running to keep fit and for enjoyment (even just thinking about entering a triathlon for the first time), to athletes representing Great Britain in World Championships or winning medals at iron distances races. We train together, share experiences and most importantly we love triathlon! Our key training sessions are twice weekly swims at Bradfield College and Crosfields School, Sunday club rides, weekly run sessions and we are also lucky to have a fantastic swimming lake locally from which the club takes its name, and which provides a hub for many club activities.
Tri2O has a pretty active social calendar; we arrange regular nights out, the famous Fish’n Chip Ride to Hayling Island every summer and a Christmas party with awards ceremony at the end of the year.
We aim to offer opportunities for members to exercise, train and race within the camaraderie of a supportive club, fantastic coaches and help you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
Check out our website to find out more.

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