South Central

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Dates Announced for the Junior Series


Welcome to the 2016 Triathlon England South Central Region Multisport and Triathlon Series. The regional committee has selected the best events throughout Hampshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire to bring a varied and challenging series. We have included 3 multi sport events this season Duathlon and Aquathon

The series comprises 10 events this year. Any athlete may enter the events however to participate in the Series you must be a member of a regional club, reside in or go to school within the region.


There are four age classifications based on year of birth, with a separate boys and girls category for each.

  • Tristarts - 8 years old
  • Tristar 1 – 9/10 years old
  • Tristar 2 – 11/12 years old
  • Tristar 3 – 13/14 years old


Dinton Duathlon

25th March


Bicester Triathlon

17th April 2016


Hamble Aquathon

2nd May


Chapel Eastleigh Tri



Beachborough Triathlon

12th June


Dinton Triathlon

18th June


Steelman (IRC Q)

26th June


Natures Way Foods Chichester Aquathon

2nd July


Andover Tri

10th July 


Dorney Super tri

13th August



Multi Sport Series

There are 10 regional events to choose from in the Multi Sport series.
The best 4 events can count towards the series. These must comprise of 2 triathlon events, plus two other multi sports event. Please NOTE: due to the late date of the Doreny Super Tri, the popular event has been added to the multi sports schedule and will not count towards the Triathlon series which would have finished by that date. If a suitable event becomes available late session other events may be added to the series .

Triathlon Series.

There are 6 events in the Triathlon Series. The best 3 events count towards series.
This must include the Eaton Dorney Steel event as a compulsory race for T2 and T3’s only.

Points are calculated based on the winning time with the winner receiving 10000 points.
Subsequent results are calculated by dividing the winning time by the recorded time for all other athletes and multiplying the result by 10000 (eg winner 18mins 10000pts, 2nd 18 minutes 36 would receive 9677 points 18 mins divided by 18m 36s x 10000=9677).

The series results will be coordinated and calculated by the Junior Coordinator. The results will be published on the regional website.

Prizes for the top 3 male and female in each age group will be awarded at the end of the series

Series Rules

The Series is open to anyone who is a member of a Region club, resides or goes to school in the region.

Some individuals will have eligibility for the Series for more than one regions - if you are then you need to decide which Region's Series you are contesting as you are only eligible for one.

  • If you are a member of the Triathlon England, then this will the Region that you registered as your 'Home' region.
  • If you are not a member of Triathlon England and may be eligible to contest more than one  series then you need to decide and declare by email to the Series coordinator the region that you intend to contest before the Series starts; failure to do so may result in exclusion from the South Central Regional Series, if you are found to subsequently contesting in the series of another region  you will be withdrawn from the series.

(This decision is obviously not applicable to athletes who are only eligible to compete in South Central Series).

It is not necessary to be a member of a triathlon club or Triathlon England to participate in the Series.

There is no requirement to register to be included in the Series – the series coordinator will compile based on the results of the races.

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