South Central

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Want to find out more about Great Britain's elite stars?

Get to know some of British Triathlon’s elite squad and hear about how they got into triathlon

First in the Club Focus is HERC Triathlon


HERC Triathlon Club is based in Hedge End, between Southampton and Portsmouth, Hampshire.

The club was established after a group of members of Hedge End Running Club realised they all joined the running club for the same reason, Triathlon.
HERC Triathlon was subsequently established as an associated club to Hedge End Running Club in the Autumn of 2014 and became BTF affiliated.  
HERC Triathlon provides coached swim sessions, club rides, CTT affiliation and coached running sessions via the running club. 
In less than a year the membership has grown to over 70 members, with a wide spectrum of experience, from beginners, to multiple Ironman finishers and Team GB qualified athletes. 
We have athletes participating in Triathlon, Aquathlon, Duathlon and running events and strive to provide a fun, healthy, and social atmosphere for members to pursue their individual development and achievements and the club truly represents a diverse group, with all manner of age, interest, ability, and experience,  all welcomed and valued.
To contact HERC Triathlon, visit
All of our members are brilliant. We had so many complete their first triathlon this year at the May day Tri in Winchester. We have also had a fair few overcome their  fear of open water this summer. We have had a National Champion this season. Kevin Martin competed as a GB age grouper at the ETU 2015 European Aqauthlon in June, he then went on to become a National Champion at the Aquathlon held in Falmouth in July. Two weeks later saw him travel to Calgary in Canada to compete in the IM 70.3. With minimal training he surprised himself and was 6th in his cat. This meant he was offered a spot in the IM 70.3 world championships but decided to use his result to try and qualify for the ETU European Middle Distance Championships next year.
HERC will be holding their club championships this year at the Petersfield Triathlon in September

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