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Janet Takes on The Worlds


Jo from Jo's Tri Team has exciting news to share.

Jo says “one of my athletes from Jo's Tri Team, who meets every Monday morning in Chalfont St Peter,  is joining me in the World Sprint Distance Championships in Chicago next week - Janet started as a real "newbie" to the sport of Triathlon just two years ago and, with gentle encouragement and coaching from myself and Sandra Barden, my Assistant Coach, she managed to qualify for Chicago at the beginning of the season at St Neots.
Janet is in the 60-64 age group, the same as myself, so we will be competing against one another, what more could I, as a Coach, ever wish for - seeing someone who had no idea (if I'm honest!) aspire to swimming, cycling and running as she does now.  Age is irrelevant when it comes to starting out on a new sport, and Janet is true testament to this.  I am so, so proud of Janet - keep up the good work and every good wish for a successful and enjoyable race in Chicago - the ironical thing is Janet is American, however, is racing for G.B”
Janet says 
"Thanks so much for these years of encouragement and advice.  It’s extraordinary — I never expected that this old body I’ve been hauling around all these years would be able to be so strong again!"
We all wish you and the rest of the GB athletes every success in Chicago 

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