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Leap's Project 500 Two New Exciting Workshops


Project 500 has already supported over 200 coaches from around Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes, they have two exciting Project 500 workshops coming up in February and March

Project 500 has already supported over 200 coaches from around Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. Check out how Portia’s story about how she has been supported through Project 500.

Leap also have two exciting Project 500 workshops coming up in February and March. For more details visit

Let Go and Reach Project 500. This fantastic one off event will be a 2 hour workshop that will help build confidence and self esteem within individuals to not only empower themselves to be physically active but to assume the role of the coach and help others to do the same. Over a cup of coffee or two this informal workshop will be led by Born Barikor the founder of the hugely successful ‘Our Parks’ initiative being delivered across 80 London boroughs that aims to make it as easy as possible for people to get fit and be active. For this workshop Born will highlight how he empowers coaches to help people overcome their barriers to physical exercise.

Heading to Success. A part of Project 500: more women, better coaching this fantastic 2 hour workshop will look at how controlling the mind is a major factor in enabling individuals to get into coaching and achieve their goals once they are a coach. Taking place in the beautiful surroundings of Lindford Manor Park at the MK Arts Centre this session will be led by the highly regarded sports psychologist Andrew Cohen-Wray. Andrew the founder of Athlete in Mind  has worked with all levels of performers right up to Olympians and for this workshop will share his secrets into controlling the mind to enable positive behaviour change.

You can sign up to Project 500 an access various benefits by visiting

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