South Central

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Level 1 and Level 2 coaching courses now available to book


The South Central region have released two coaching courses, a level 1 award and a level 2 award which can now start taking bookings . Both will be held at Highfield School , Liphook in Hampshire, a fantastic venue that we have previously used.

Level 1 :

This qualification is aimed at those individuals who are new to the world of coaching and/or the sport of triathlon; it has been specifically designed to provide an individual with the fundamentals of coaching the sport, to equip you with the necessary skills and resources to start coaching tomorrow.

The course is made up of:

  • 2 learning days - usually together
  • home study - around 5-10 hours over 3-4 weeks
  • 1 assessment day (practical and theory)

You will be required to complete home study written tasks, deliver a practical session (on course) and complete a short answer exam (basic triathlon knowledge)

Dates : 

12th and 13th September 2015

17th October 2015

Level 2 

People with some experience of coaching (formally or informally) and of triathlon (as a participant). The knowledge gained from completing this qualification will allow you to develop an understanding of safe, ethical and effective triathlon coaching.

The certificate qualifies you to independently plan, deliver and evaluate triathlon related activities to group’s of children and/ or adults in any of the Level 2 coaching environments, including coaching in open water environments.

This certificate focuses on producing a competent club session coach who can promote the benefits of participating in triathlon, and appropriate skill acquisition through quality coaching of participants from grass roots level upwards.

The course is spread over 5 days over a period of 5-6 months

  • 4 full learning days
  • 1 assessment day
  • 40-60 hours of home study (5-7 days total)


24th and 25th October 2015

28th and 29th November 2015 

2nd April 2016 

For an application or for more information , please email 

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