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Mum Wins Challenge


September saw one mum from South Central complete an epic challenge; here is what Sophie Bubb has to say

“I am a mum of two little boys and currently on maternity leave. I set myself the goal of competing in the Challenge Weymouth European Long Distance Triathlon Championships, which was this weekend. For those of you who don’t know the swim is 2.5 miles, the cycle is 112 miles and to top it off, there is a marathon at the end. Both boys were under two on race day and one is six months old.
When I set out on this adventure I was truly aiming to finish. Somehow I ended up coming 9th overall and 1st amateur, along with winning the 30 – 34 age group category; I’m pretty speechless. 
Prior to yesterday I hadn’t done an Iron distance event before and before setting this goal I wouldn’t have said I was a triathlete having only done a handful of local sprint events before. I have however, been a keen cyclist and during my last maternity leave set myself the challenge of the Paris Marathon; at the time I completed it my first son Rory was six months old; I loved the focus this event gave me. I love being a mum and this will always be my first priority but I truly believe it is important for me to have my own goals and time to myself. The only time I ever have to myself is when I am training or racing and this little space allows me to really appreciate them when we are together.
I’m incredibly lucky as I have a hugely supportive and encouraging husband Nick, who has made it all possible. He did two Iron distance events during my first pregnancy and I remember standing at Ellingham Lake in the New Forest one morning watching the start of his first event, I had such a feeling of awe for all the athletes lined up ready to take part, I never considered I could be there too. 
Making the decision to have a go myself ignited an incredibly journey; long distance triathlon is so much more than just an event. As with everyone, one of my biggest challenges has been organising the training, for me this was around my family.  
For us getting to the start line for Challenge Weymouth become a lifestyle, fitting training in as a family and making it as much of a family event as possible; I can think of so many examples for this but two spring to mind. 
So I could go running with the family our baby Billy started being towed around on the back of Nick’s bike in a trailer, whilst strapped into his car seat as he was too small for all other options.  His brother sat on the bike seat on the back of the bike; they both seemed to love it, or just sleep! 
When I first started training Nick was known to drive and find me when I was out on a bike ride to fit in with the breast-feeding schedule and an ice cream stop for Rory our eldest; it really has been an amazing whirlwind. 
On so many occasions I questioned the sanity of trying to get to the start line but I can now say with a hand on my heart, it was all worth it. Yes even all the times when after a sleepless night I was waking up to sneak out of the house before both the baby and the toddler were up. At the end of the day, all of these moments gave me great motivation on race day; I needed to know that these small sacrifices were worth it.
Yesterday was a fantastic event; I am so proud and happy that I was a part of it all. I have registered to race at the ITU World Long Distance Championships in the USA next September and also hope to win my age category at Ironman UK in July to qualify for Kona next year too. 
Sophie finished Challenge Weymouth in a time of 11 hours and 4 minutes, winning her age category and was 9th Female overall.  Congratulations Sophie and we wish you every success in the US!

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