South Central

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South Central Junior Series 2016


Triathlon England South Central Junior Series 2016 Nominate your favourite race to be part or the series.


2016 will be the 3rd Junior series for the region and we want it to be the best one yet.
Within the regional committee we are very aware that events have been very much focused within the southern haft of the region.

Now this is your chance to nominate other races to be considered for either the Triathlon / Multi sports series or a high performance race that can be used for IRC selection.

Event criteria:

·        Categories from T-start to T3

·        TE registered event

·        Full risk assessment & EAP and PLI

·        On-line booking

·        Chip timing

·        Tri, Aqua or Duathlon

·        Pool or openwater swim (sea or lake)

·        Tarmac or grass surface.

·        Events held between 3rd April to 30th Oct 2016

·        Within Oxfordshire, Hampshire, Berkshire or Buckinghamshire. (Other high performance event within South East, London, East midland or South West will also be considered for IRC team selection.)

If you are a club you can nominate your own event or your members favourite events and event organiser can nominate their own event.

Send your nominations to:

Steve Cooke. Junior Series coordinator / IRC team manager

Nomination close 7th Dec 2015.

Events for 2016 already under consideration:

Dinton Duathlon – 25th of March

Hamble Aquathon – 2nd May

Eastleigh Triathlon- 30th May

Beachborough Triathlon – 12th of June

Dinton Triathlon – 18th of June

Steelman (T2 / T3 only high performance) - 26th June

Eaton Dorney Super tri – 13th August

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