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Stolen Bikes


Its that time of year again, darker care with your bikes

Hello everybody.  We're noticing a bigger number of bikes going missing, and more and more appearing on and other similar monitoring sites like  If yours goes missing, make sure you put it on the social media for your region and tweet, maybe we can do something about it.  Many seem to turn up in Manchester, Luton and Milton Keynes.  London Fields and Brick Lane in London seem to do thriving business.  

So take care, and whilst we're here, keep a look out for the one pictured. It was chained securely but the thief cut it off and walked calmly out of the facility.  The bike is a brightly coloured size Large Corratec in orange/red and black, you can't miss it1

If you see it being advertised anywhere contact Hillingdon Triathletes via their webpage  and let them know referring to Claudio.  It belongs to a hard working hotel employee in London, who is an AG athlete.

He had this stolen last Wednesday from the pool whilst training.  He had his other one stolen a few weeks ago.  There is a £500 pound reward to you or your favourite charity that the club's put up if a tip leads to the bike being returned intact.  Lets be careful out there.

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