South Central

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Calling all young athletes! Triathlon South Central Academy Venue and dates are now confirmed for 2015/16. Please add to your planning and diaries if you are interested in trying out. If successful you'll need to keep the Academy Training dates free too.

Triathlon South Central Academy

Oxford University have kindly agreed to host the Triathlon South Central Triathlon Academy until March 2017.

Triathlon South Central Academy Trials 2015

.For all athletes planning on attending or trying out for the academy please keep these dates in mind and add to your diaries.  


Academy Trials

·         Sunday 13th September 2015


Academy Assessment Weekend

·         Saturday 26th September & Sunday 27th 2015


Academy Training Days 2015-2016 – Selected Athletes


·         Sunday 25th October 2015; Academy training day

·         Sunday 22nd November 2015; Academy training day

·         Sunday 20th December 2015; Academy training day

·         Sunday 17th Jan 2016; Academy training day

·         Sunday 14th Feb 2016; Academy training day

·         Sunday 13th March 2016; Academy training day

·         Sunday 10th April 2016; Academy training day


Nominal planned dates for 2016 -2017


Sunday 11th September 2016: Triathlon South Central Academy Trials


Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd October 2016: Triathlon South Central Academy Assessment

Triathlon South Central Academy Training Weekends – Selected Athletes


·         Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th November 2016; Academy training weekend

·         Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th December 2016; Academy training weekend

·         Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th Jan 2017; Academy training weekend

·         Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th Feb 2017; Academy training weekend

·         Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th March 2017; Academy training weekend


*Triathlon South Central will confirm nearer the dates.  Please bear in mind that these dates may be changed if necessary to accommodate the National & IRC race dates if necessary

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