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The Immortal Full Distance Triathlon


The team at Total Buzz Events have been hosting running and Triathlon Events since 2011. They have always strived to provide exciting race opportunities at new locations, giving the athletes a great racing experience, whilst not disrupting the local Community.

In 2014 they launched the Immortal Sports brand of events with the aim of creating Middle and Full Distance races. May 2014 saw the Immortal Half at Stourhead in Wiltshire. Since 2011 they have been searching for a location to host a Full Distance race. In November 2014 they successfully negotiated a deal with Thames Water, to be able to host a Full Distance Race at Farmoor Reservoir, Cumnor nr Oxford. A great venue, never before used for Triathlon, with access to some super cycling routes, and a run route which is almost entirely contained within the land owned by Thames Water, surrounding the reservoir.


January 2015 concluded successful discussions with the Local Authorities for the hosting of the Immortal Full Distance Triathlon on 16th August 2015.


The entry limit for the 2015 race is 500, which they anticipate reaching. The Bike route is fast, held on open public roads, with professional Traffic Management in place to ensure athletes have priority at junctions.


Prices are a realistic £250.00 for race entry fee, £260.00 for non-affiliated athletes.


For more information or to enter please follow this link :

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