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Triathlon England Launch Safeguarding Workshops for Club Welfare Officers


Triathlon England will be delivering a series of face to face workshops across the country, for the very first time.

These free, 3 hour workshops will provide new and existing Club Welfare Officers the opportunity to understand their role within a Triathlon club and their responsibilties in relation to safeguarding and protecting children and young people.

The workshops will:

  • Describe how a club welfare officer works with others to create a child centred environment
  • Explain how the club welfare officer role fits into the wider safeguarding environment
  • Apply learning to case studies including sharing good safeguarding practice

Attendees should have previously attended a UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children Workshop.  The course for our region will take place on 24 November 2018 at 13:00  at Moors Valley Country Park, Ringwood, Hampshire.

To register on the course please follow the link...register here

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