South Central

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Triathlon England South Central Notice of Annual General Meeting


Notice is hereby given that the year 2015 annual general meeting of the Triathlon England South Central region will be held at Blade Printing Unit E1 Lambs Farm Business, Park Basingstoke Road Swallowfield Reading RG7 1PQ on Thursday 29th October at 1900 hours.

Triathlon England South Central
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The meeting is convened for the following purposes:
1. To receive the report of the committee members and the accounts for the 
year ended March end 2015
2. To re-elect or re-appoint to the following positions.
The AGM will also consider a range of regional matters as determined by the 
Chairman. In addition, if you have any other business that you feel is relevant 
to the AGM, then please note that this should be submitted to the secretary, in 
writing, at least seven days before the meeting.
Voting members may make nominations for the committee to be elected at 
the AGM. This must be done by sending the nominees name, the post for 
which they are nominated and the names of both the proposer and seconded 
to the Chairman SC – and copied to 
Secretary - Jan Goble
This should be received no later than Monday 26th October 2015. Nominations 
are welcome for all positions.
The election of officers will normally be by a show of hands.
Dated 28th September 2015

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