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UK School Games 2019


The UK School Games were held at Parc Bryn Bach and featureed four athletes - two males & two females from each of the 10 Triathlon England Regions plus athletes from Scotland, Wales and two guest teams. In order to qualify, athletes had to be first or second at either the Llanelli Triathlon or Blenheim Triathlon.

Madeline Cooper, Iszy Hinckley & Ryan Symington (all Chapel Tri Junior Triathlon Club) and Bertie Pettit (South Central Academy/Synergie Coaching) all showed Intelligent Racing and qualified. Mabel Shepherd (South Central Academy/Team Cherwell) and Daniel Roberts (South Central Academy/Beachborough Triathlon Club) qualified as the non-travelling reserves.

Daniel Roberts managed to grab a spot in one of the BTF Guest Teams, racing as part of the International Team.

Prior to the UK School Games, the six athletes all came together for three specific training sessions, as the UKSG had adopted the Enduro format for the individual event. 

This would mean the athletes would race a continual swim-bike-run-swim-bike-run to decide the individual winners. Not your usual triathlon format and not a format the athletes were used to.

The athletes showed great application at the sessions held HOWL Multisports and some of the learning could be seen on race day.

Madeline & Ryan also managed to get a reccy ride in on the course and shared that information with the team. 

Parc Bryn Bach is a great race venue as the bike course requires the athletes to stay focussed throughout. 

Great application was shown by the athletes on the day with Ryan racing into an individual silver, with Bertie & Dan taking 12th & 13th respectively. Iszy & Madeline had a great race within their race, finishing fifth & seventh. 

The Mixed Team Relays was the last race of the day and again Maddie, Ryan, Iszy & Bertie were never outside the first three, finishing up with the Silver. 

Great ownership & application by the athletes during their training phase and on race day.

Special shout out to Steve & Kelly HOWL Multisports for giving the athletes special access to the lake; to Danny & Gary (and Ryan, Madeline & Melissa) for their course reconnaissance, as well as Daniel & Mabel providing some extra competition in training.

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