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AGM Documents 2022


Please click on the links below to see each of the documents pertaining to the South West Regional Committee AGM to be held on Saturday 15th October via Zoom

Minutes of 2021 AGM 

Can be found here


Click on the below for each report:

Chair's report 

Treasurer's report 

Junior Race Series Co-ordinator report 

Regional Officials Co-ordinator report 

Vice Chair and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead report

Regional Development Manager's report 


Resolutions at the AGM for purposes other than the election of the Committee must be made known to the Secretary at least 21 days prior to the meeting, that is, Friday 23 September.

Voting on Resolutions at an AGM other than for the election of Committee Members shall be passed by simple majority of the members present in person and voting at the meeting, determined on a show of hands. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote, in addition to their ordinary vote.

No individual member shall have any right to appoint a non-Triathlon England member proxy to attend, speak or vote at any meeting in his or her place.

Committee roles for election and nominations

Please click on names to see the nominations for each job role

The following roles on the Committee are up for re-election:


Jane Wild


Alan Bayliss

Also, the previously co-opted role of Communications & Social Media Officer now stands for election 

Toby Levy

The following vacancies on the Committee are up for election:


Senior Race Series Officer

If you are interested then please fill in the nomination form and send  to, if you would like to see a job description or would like to know more about the roles please email

Agenda for AGM 2022

The 2022 South West Regional Committee Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 15 October at 2pm using the Zoom platform for video and audio conferencing.


  1.  Opening of Meeting and Apologies for absence
  2.  Confirmation of minutes of previous AGM, held on Saturday 16 October 2021
  3.  Matters Arising
  4.  Presentation of Annual Report from Regional Committee Chairperson
  5.  Presentation of Regional Committee Treasurer’s Statement
  6.  Presentation of Report from Regional Committee Vice Chairperson and Diversity Co-ordinator
  7.  Presentation of Reports from Regional Officials Co-ordinator and Junior Race Series Officer
  8.  Presentation of Report from Regional Manager
  9.  Election of Officers for 2023
  10.  Resolutions
  11.  Date of the 2023 meeting
  12.  Closure of Meeting

Note that this virtual meeting will be recorded to assist with compiling both the minutes and the register of attendance.


Minutes of 2022 AGM

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