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Hot chilli Big T


The Hot Chilli Tri 2016 had 280 entrants across all age categories just topping the 2015 number.




The forecast was poor but the weather remained fair with some wind for most of the day. Based from Trowbridge Sports Centre and Clarendon playing fields there were two adult races, the Enduro and the Sprint. The Enduro is the longer race with competitors swimming 600m, (24 lengths), cycling 45km and running 10km. The Sprint distance was 400m swim (16 lengths) followed by a 23km bike section and 5km run. There were also children event held as Hot Chilli launch their youth section this year, comprising of swim, run format for children aged 8-15. 


The Enduro race went off first, with the pool swim starting at 7:30. Swim time varied from 7-15+ minutes before the athletes were off to transition in the tennis court and out on a lovely flat bike course winding through North Bradley, Southwick, Rode, Standerwick, Dilton Marsh and Brokerswood before the second lap began, then heading back to Clarendon for ’Transition 2’ into a 10k run. This took in three laps of a sunny warm Southwick Country Park before returning to cross the finish line and collect the medal and T Shirt.


The Sprint racers swum their 16 lengths followed the same bike route, only completing one lap before heading back to Trowbridge and into T2 before going on an ‘out and back’ run to a turn point in Southwick Country Park. Again apart from the wind all racers enjoyed great weather. 


One of the highlights of the day was over 50 children racing aged 8-15. Completing an ‘Aquathlon’ where the competitors swim, and then transition to a run all the children crossed the same finish line as the adult racers to collect their medal with smiling faces! Distances varied from 50m swim and 400m run upwards with finishing times from under 5 minutes to almost 20 through the age categories as distances increased. 


Should you wish to contact the club to get you or your children involved in this great sport please visit for more information and email We’d love to welcome members young and old to the club. 


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