South West

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Regional Managers round up


Well its been a busy year in the South West of the country please take the time to have a look at a few of the highlights.

We have had174 events take place which gave us an amazing geographical spread across all of the 7 counties this is down to not only commercial event organisers but the club network has once again provided the many existing events and a lot of new ones without them and the work of there volunteers we would not be able to boast such a wide and varied amount of events.

We have delivered 5 coach education courses which has enabled us to create and upskill some 48 coaches who are all out there coaching our sport. We have had some new workshops and courses with the Ride and Run Leaders, Learn to teach freestyle and open water training days. These have all been remarkably well attended with most being sold out.

We have 6 new clubs who have all worked with me and through a programme of visitation which has still not finished I have seen more clubs this year than ever. So if I haven’t got to you yet let me know and we can arrange to meet up.

We continue to roll out numerous GO TRI events enabling more people to have a go at our sport and continue to look this way for this initiative gaining momentum in 2015.

So as we go into this festive time of year it only remains for me to say thankyou  on behalf of myself and the regional committee to you all competitors, clubs, coaches, officials , volunteers and basically all those of you who make our sport great.


As always if you would like to be involved or simply wish to have a chat about the sport in the South West get in touch with me


Have great Christmas and a very merry new year.



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