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South West Skills School Update


Skills School is British Triathlon's first CPD program developed specifically for coaches working with young athletes or for coaches who would like to develop a Junior section within their club. As you know, Triathlon is a relatively young sport and has developed from mainly adult foundations, yet now the area of children's triathlon is developing quickly. Many coaches have reported that they would like more support and ideas with regards to coaching children.

The new Skills School Framework and Coaches’ Playbook have all been designed to supplement the experience and support you would receive on a Skills School day, as well as beyond within your club setting. The Framework and Playbook incorporate the ideas of top British coaches as well as the latest research encouraging engaging, athlete-centred approaches.

We have had a range of coaches attend from 14 different clubs and whether you are experienced or new to coaching young athletes we would love to have you on board. So why not come and join us at the next Skills School day to find out all about the new BTF Framework and how to help our young athletes prepare for a lifetime of sport and how to be the best they can be.

If you are interested in finding out more about this or future days feel free to contact me,

Juliet Paterson or see:

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