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South West Triathlon Academy 2015/16 Trials


Triathlon England South West are holding trials for the regional academy squad in the lead up to and during the 2016 season.

The South West Regional academy supports athletes who have the ability and desire to compete in elite triathlon in future years.  Through a series training weekends and other training opportunities around the region these athletes will be offered coaching that will aid their development towards elite triathlon.  For more information on the South West Regional Academy and Development Squads please see the development document on this page.

Who: Athletes aged 15-18 for the 2016 season will be considered (competing age is based on age as of 31/12/2016).

When: Sunday 13 September

Where: Bath University

What: Athletes who are aged 15-16 for the 2016 season will be required to complete a 200m swim and a 1500m run.  Athletes who are 17-18 for the 2016 season will be required to complete a 400m swim and a 3000m run

Selection will be based on the three A’s


Times from the trials day:   Only in exceptional circumstances will previous times be considered.  Those athletes who have the ability and desire to be put forward to the National Talent Squad must attend and complete the trials.  For guide times please see the British Triathlon website (

Performances at British Triathlon Superseries races in 2015.  Athletes performances in superseries races will be considered along with results from the trials.  Race results will not be accepted in isolation. 


Athletes will need to display an attitude suitable to that of aspiring elite athletes


Athletes will be required to attend five of the six training weekends across the winter and take part in the National Youth and Junior Superseries in 2015.

If you would like to take part in the academy trials please send an e-mail to which includes your current PB over the distances you intend to compete at on the day before 21 August 2015.  Attendance and exact times for the day will then be returned to you by Friday 28 August 2015.


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