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The Oldbury White Horse Triathlon


LPS Event’s pool based triathlon weekend, featuring both Adult and Children Events.

On the 30th April and the 1st May, Calne Community Campus played host to the ever popular Oldbury Triathlon.

On the Saturday it saw almost 200 children from Tri Starts to Youth compete in this friendly and welcoming event as part of the South West and South Central Race League.

With a pool swim followed by a closed loop bike and run, it’s the perfect environment for young triathletes to race safely and to the best of their abilities.

The Adult race saw just shy of 300 triathletes compete across Duathlon, Aquathlon, Aquabike as well as the main Triathlon event.

Another positive factor of this event is the Event organisers continued commitment to reducing their impact on the environment, with plastic free water containers in use this year and more improvements on the way.

It’s fantastic to see an event embrace the full scope of multisport allowing to really make this event more accessible to a wider range of abilities.

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