
2013 Event Organisers Conference - Schedule confirmed. Book Now


Triathlon England will once again host its annual Event Organisers Conference on Saturday 2 March at Sandown Park Racecourse, alongside the Triathlon show.

Tickets for the conference are £15 per person, which includes a goodie bag and free entry to the main exhibition. 

To book your place, please click here
NB: Event Organisers, who have met the Qualitymark standard, are entitled to one free ticket per organisation. To claim your free ticket, please email: providing your name and organisation.  
As well as hearing about future plans from Triathlon England and British Triathlon staff, the conference provides an opportunity for Event Organisers to come together and discuss current topics, look back over the year and network with like minded organisers and suppliers.
Duncan Hough, Triathlon England Director for Events, Rules and Technical is looking forward to the conference commenting: “This is a great opportunity for event organisers, to learn more about Triathlon England and find out how we plan to support them. As demand for high-quality events continue to grow alongside participation levels within triathlon, the support and guidance we can give to event organisers and clubs that organise events is more important than ever following Sport England’s funding over the next four years.” 
Conference Schedule
The schedule for the day has now been confirmed. Topics to be covered include:
  • A brief outline from Triathlon England about the 2013-17 Sport England funding and how this will be invested to help support event organisers across England. 
  • A session delivered by BCU Lifeguards on qualifications and boat types and what they mean for your safety cover.
  • A session delivered by our paratriathlon classifier, Penny Broomhead regarding inclusive events and ways in which we can support disabled triathletes to take part in more local events. 
  • A session delivered by Tri Together on engaging with charities and the benefits of partnering with a charity for your event.
  • New guidelines regarding spectator behaviour at events
  • A consultation session on a new project which will provide a new online system to help support organisers and offer new benefits to members.
This conference is also available to Welsh Triathlon and triathlonscotland Event Organisers

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