
Coronavirus Update Monday May 11th 2020


Wales stays in lockdown for a further 3 weeks.

You may be aware that as from Monday 11th May the UK Government diverged from the Welsh and Scottish devolved Governments in its approach to lifting restrictions imposed since the 23rd March ‘Stay at Home’ guidance.

As the UK Government moves to ‘Staying Alert and Safe’ guidance for England, the Welsh, and Scottish Governments have made the decision to remain with ‘Stay at Home’ For more information click here.

The Welsh Ministers believe the latest evidence from the UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and the advice of the Chief Medical Officer for Wales means whilst the first peak of infection has passed and rates continue to fall, it is still too early for a significant lifting of requirements or restrictions.

The Welsh Government has decided the lockdown in Wales will continue until the next review period in three weeks’ time. 

There have been a few minor adjustments to the regulations announce by the Welsh First Minister one of these being to allow people in Wales to exercise more than once a day, but people should stay local. This means any exercise should start and end at home and not involve going a significant distance from home.

In England, some restrictions have been lifted such as travelling for the purposes of engaging in recreational activity. The UK Government is allowing some outdoor sports to operate in England from Wednesday 13th May under new guidelines which includes maintaining social distancing.  From a triathlon training perspective, this may include open water swimming.  

It is however important to stress that open water swimming is still not permitted in Wales and the Police may issue fines and prosecute if you are found to be undertaking such non permitted activity, or if you are travelling in Wales for purposes outside those permitted by the Health Protection (coronavirus restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020. For more information click here.

Whilst I appreciate this is not ideal news for those of you who wish to return to open water swimming it is important that we follow the Welsh Governments decisions made in the interests of the Welsh people.

Welsh Triathlon continues to work closely with British Triathlon, Triathlon England, Triathlon Scotland, plus other relevant organisations, to provide guidance for safely returning to triathlon activity and we will update you as and when restrictions are lifted in Wales.

For more information please click on the relevant section below and read our  FAQs.

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Stay safe, bide your time and we will get safely to less restricted times soon.

Beverley Lewis

CEO Welsh Triathlon

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