
European Duathlon and BUCS Sprint success for WT


Three Welsh Triathlon Podium places at the British University Championships and the results of the European Junior Duathlon Championship


Liam Lloyd finished 8th, representing Great Britain at the European Junior Duathlon Champs on Sunday 29th April in Horst Holland. He gave his all, having to run a pb over 5km and fully commit early on the bike to catch the lead group, after this he still tried to make a break off the front. The results of his early valiant efforts left him empty for the 2nd run. Liam was pleased with his result saying he couldn’t have given any more of himself.

On Sun 6th May, Luke Watson and Alex Matchett continued to dominate the hotly contested BUCS series of races, repeating the 1st and 2nd they achieved at the BUCS duathlon in November at the Triathlon event held this weekend.  Eli Thorogood finished 2nd in the women’s event.   Luke is in his 3rd year of a Mechanical Engineering degree at Loughborough and on placement in Germany; Eli is in her 2nd year studying Sport and Business at Loughborough whilst Alex is a first year Medical Student, in Bristol.  Congratulation to all three.

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