
Return to Triathlon - Friday 29th May


The Welsh Government has announced a small easing of restrictions for the Welsh public today. We are seeking further guidance on the impact of these changes on a return to our sport and will update you as soon as we have this clarity.

What we are aware of is that the regulations have changed to allow one household to visit another household as long as it is local, done outdoors, and with strict social distancing and hygiene rules.  Local has been defined as 5 miles as a basic rule, allowing reasonable adjustment for more rural areas.  Beauty and tourist spots remain closed, but we are being asked to start preparations for a return to outside sports for the next review as long as the conditions required to lift further restrictions occur. 

If you intend to open water swim, which is still considered a high-risk activity and not advised by British Triathlon or the Home Nations please look at the open water swimming guidance documentation referenced below and refer to the SH2OUT website. Stay local and do not swim outside your ability.

Thank you for acting responsibly it will help a speedy return to the sport we love.

The following suspension to activity information is still relevant for Triathlon.

In reviewing the suspension of activity, BTF and the HN’s have followed the following key principles:

  • The health and wellbeing of our community, and society as a whole, is our absolute priority;
  • To follow government instruction and play our part in protecting our NHS and emergency services;
  • Our preference is to make longer-term decisions and provide as much clarity as possible to our stakeholders, as illustrated by our position below on events organised and/or administered by BTF and/or the HN’s;
  • Where events are organised by other third parties, our aim is to provide as much guidance as possible but enable that organiser to make a decision that is best for their specific circumstances and aligned to government instructions;
  • To follow a path that enables the agility to respond to changing circumstances;
  • We consult with numerous stakeholders, other sports, and national sports agencies.

It has been widely mooted by medical professionals and politicians that social distancing will be in place for a considerable amount of time. Whilst social distancing is in place, BTF & HN’s Event Guidance states that any mass participation event would have to involve a rolling start (i.e. time trial format) which is likely to affect capacity.

BTF and the HN’s anticipate that the easing of restrictions for groups/gatherings might enable events to happen and that smaller events might return first.

The following 5 points lay out our position on the resumption of activity and are supported by guidance documents found here

  1. Events organised by BTF and/or HN’s
  • All events organised by BTF and/or the HN’s are cancelled or postponed until at least 1st August 2020;
  • There will be no British, English, Scottish, or Welsh Championship races in 2020. Where possible, the championship status associated with a 2020 event will be transferred to that event in 2021;
  • There will be no Age Group Qualification races in 2020. Where possible, the Qualifier status associated with a 2020 event will be transferred to that event in 2021.
  1. Permitted Events organised by 3rd party organisers (all formats)
  • In England, the suspension of event permits is extended to at least 4th July 2020
  • In Scotland, the suspension of event permits is extended to at least 4th July 2020
  • In Wales, the suspension of event permits is extended to at least 4th July 2020
  • BTF and HN’s will review the government position in each of the 3 home nations on a weekly basis (commencing Tuesday 25th May) with the aim of providing event organisers and participants with as much advance warning of any relevant changes as possible to enable each event organiser to make a decision regarding the viability of their event. Significant updates will be shared with event organisers prior to being posted on the BTF website
  • The aim will be to provide event organisers with as much information and guidance as possible
  • Depending on government restrictions, this could see a phased award of event permits based on the link between the size of an event and any government restrictions on groups/gatherings
  • EO’s will need to meet all requirements in the BTF guidance document AND comply with all government instructions to secure a race permit;
  1. All other forms of Triathlon activity
  • In England, group activity is suspended until at least 4th July 2020
  • In Scotland, group activity is suspended until at least 4th July 2020
  • In Wales, group activity is suspended until at least 4th July 2020
  • Club activity that complies with the relevant government instructions is permissible. For more information click here 
  • Individual training activity is permitted in accordance with the relevant government instructions. For more information click here
  • 1:1 coaching activity is permitted (under specific conditions) in England;
  • 1:1 coaching activity is not permitted in Scotland;
  • 1:1 coaching activity is not permitted in Wales unless it complies with relevant government instruction
  • BTF & Home Nations will maintain a 1-week rolling review of their suspension of group activity such that a minimum of a 1-week suspension will always be in place or the suspension will be lifted with 1 weeks’ notice;
  1. Elite Training
  • BTF and the HN’s are working with UK Sport and Home Nation Sport’s Councils to consider a return to training for elite athletes in accordance with the government guidance published on 13th May 2020
  1. International Age Group Racing
  • BTF continues to liaise with ITU and ETU regarding the international race calendar and to represent the best interests of GB Age Group Athletes. Detailed and specific advice can be found here
  1. Insurance
  • Any activity taking place in contravention of government instructions will not be covered by BTF insurance policies. 

For more information please click on the relevant section below and read our  


Individual activity 



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