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Thank you to Welsh Triathlon Board of Directors


Welsh Triathlon is Governed by a dedicated Board of volunteers. The Staff at Welsh Triathlon would like to take this time to recognise the commitment each Director makes to ensuring we meet the strategy of the organisation.

The Board come from a range of backgrounds and professions and offer support and expertise to the team at Welsh Triathlon, and across the Home Nations, to help deliver our sport for firstly Welsh members but also the wider Triathlon community. They bring passion, intellect, insight, experience, and resources to the table.

All the directors on the board are very busy people and their role as directors is an additional element to the many other things they do, including their career, family, other volunteer opportunities, and their own social life.  They work many hours for us in their spare time often neglecting family and friends. We really appreciate their willingness to volunteer and valuable expertise to our organisation

A big thank you:

  • to the Chair – Paul Tanner who also represents Welsh Triathlon on the British Board of Directors and supports our drive towards a balanced Board and adds HR expertise
  • to our Director of Finance – Jon Blakemore whose scrutiny and accountancy checks and challenges keep us secure even during these very tough times
  • to our Director of Governance - Llyr Roberts, his checks on process keeps us in line with the Governance and Leadership Framework Wales and ensure we have the policy and procedures in place to meet any challenge
  • to our Director of Business and Commerce - Luke Organ for supporting our drive to become more financially sustainable and realise the huge potential of Triathlon in Wales enabling us to do so much more for you our membership
  • to our Director of Children and Young People  - Claire Lane for challenging us to be innovative and makes sure that our sport is fully inclusive. As well as checking on everyone's wellbeing within the organisation.
  • to our Director of Communications – Parul Patel for bring enthusiasm and thoughtful ideas and recommendations on how we can grow the organisation and positively engage with our members and attract new people to the sport.
  • to our new Directors who joined us in the last 6 months and find themselves helping us navigate very extraordinary circumstances.  You have all been exceptional and committed additions to the team:
    • Director of Performance - Greg Garner
    • Director of Athletes and Age Group – James Leavesley                            
    • Director  of External Affairs - Kate Evans
    • Director of Safeguarding - Bethan Mitchell   

We could not say thank you without remembering all the Directors who have left after their Terms of Office on the Board. To past and present thank you for all your time and effort!

Staff Welsh Triathlon

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